I don't know what to do with dad. He has had a hard timing thinking of anything that sounds good to him lately to eat. He has always loved eggs, and he believes he has burned himself out on eggs now. He has had them scrambled, fried, boiled, deviled, Sonic Burritoized, Sonic Toaster Sandwiched, Egg McMuffined, Eggs Benedict, Egg Nog, you name it, we have made it with eggs.
Yesterday he couldn't think of a thing to eat, I named off everything I could think of and nothing sounded good to him. Finally, he came up with an idea! He wanted a taco from Taco Time!
What? Yes, a taco from Taco Time. I had to run some errands, so I left Erica with dad and picked up tacos while I was out. I didn't go to Taco Time as it is about 8 miles away, and there is a Del Taco within one mile, so Del Taco it was. Dad ate the taco and enjoyed it. He also had applesauce, 1/2 of a small bean burrito, and some pudding all day to eat.
Today I made him a breakfast sandwich with spicy sausage, and an egg on an English Muffin. That went over quite well. Erica cooked him a couple of chicken strips for lunch, that went over good, he also had a fresh Arizona orange. I had planned on tamales for dinner and was in the kitchen making rice pudding (something he requested at 8:00 last night and our bedtime is 9:00 so we put it off until today) when I heard him holler my name. Thinking he had fallen out of his chair, I dashed to the door and opened it to find him in the chair, just fine. I asked what he needed and he got this very guilty look on his face. He then asked if we could have biscuits for dinner. I said, biscuits and what? He said....butter? Biscuits and butter for dinner? Mom then chimed in that there had just been a commercial on TV with a plate of biscuits and when he saw that commercial, he started hollering for me as he knew that is what he wanted for dinner.

Needless to say, he had biscuits with butter for dinner. He has a hard time swallowing some times, and the biscuits were a bit too dry to just eat, so we added grape jelly. He couldn't eat them himself, so I fed him biscuits, jelly and butter for dinner. He was quite happy with it, and is now anxiously waiting for the rice pudding to be done.
I have tried to keep his meals simple, and easy to eat, with finger foods as much as possible as it is easier for him to pick food up and eat it with his fingers than with a fork or spoon. He drinks from a sippy cup with a straw, and uses an insulated sippy cup for soup. He has such a hard time feeding himself, and there are some days he can handle finger foods, and most days he can not. It is challenging for him, and he gets quite frustrated when he can't even eat finger food by himself. He has pretty much resigned himself to the fact that he can't use utensils, but the finger food frustration is still new. He drops his food and gets a frustrated look on his face. I feed him patiently, and then hand him his cup of water, milk, or juice to drink.
Parkinsons presents unique problems in it's advanced stages, other than the trembling. One of those challenges is the inability to swallow. If you will remember, for a number of years dad has complained that his tongue feels thick, or that he has difficulty swallowing. I believe it may have been related to Parkinsonian symptoms even then. I am trying to make foods for dad that will be easy for him to eat as well as swallow. I think the rice pudding will be a great food for him. He wants freshly grated nutmeg on his pudding as well. At least I believe that is what he was referring to when he asked if I had the nuts to grate on top. If only I had a nutmeg grater........Laureen, do you know where I can find one?